Is Sardinia Atlantis? Relics + Facts of Mysterious Sardinia

Angela Corrias in Tharros Sardinia

Angela Corrias

When I first read about Sardinia’s mysteries, I focused on popular tales, legends, and unexplained facts that from time to time still happen. This new study of mine is devoted to some studies that academics, journalists, and researchers are carrying out on the island’s most ancient history trying to answer the long-standing question: Is Sardinia Atlantis?

Traveling to different countries and continents, made me realize that not many people know Sardinia. Some confuse it with Sicily, the other big Italian island, more famous, apparently due to Hollywood’s Godfather, others just ignore its existence. I don’t blame them. Why should they know about such a small place with all the huge and more exciting countries, cities, and regions of the world? They sure don’t have to know it, but one thing is out of a doubt: once they come here, they are not very likely to forget about it any time soon.

These researchers, the most committed being journalist Sergio Frau, have been studying the connections between Sardinia and the lost civilization of Atlantis, nonetheless. By all means, this Italian island has hidden aspects that travelers can hardly catch and even locals can’t explain. In the first post, I wrote about some radiations on the stones of some Bronze-Age towers that can be found in central Sardinia, but this is not the only issue currently under debate.

Image: Angela Corrias inside a Giants' tomb for Sardinia Revealed wondering is Sardinia Atlantis?

Is Sardinia Atlantis?

Speaking about magnetic fields, in fact, some of the most interesting sites are the so-called “Giants’ Tombs”, prehistoric stone constructions that can be found all over the island. It is believed that lying on one’s back at the main entrance of the tomb for about ten minutes, in total silence and chasing away all thoughts, one has many benefits thanks to the positive energies that the stone releases. Such benefits last quite long, but natives like to repeat the process often, preferably during sunset. Moreover, it’s tradition to take a little stone from the square before the entrance and keep it at home to enjoy its positive properties.

According to historical research, Giant’s Tombs had funerary purposes, but since they are too big to be a single grave, they probably had also other functions that historians are still trying to understand. Maybe more than one corpse was laid there after the burial ceremony, or maybe personal objects of the dead were buried with the owner. Whatever their original purpose was, natives still now enjoy their positive benefits, that may or may not actually exist.

The ancestral sense of mystery that covers the island is perhaps due to its tangled history and very much enigmatic origins. Journalist Sergio Frau has been researching our most ancient era and civilization and keeps asking the question, is Sardinia Atlantis?

As he points out, while by reading Homer we can learn the ancient Greek oral tradition carefully reproduced in his writing, the geography he managed to reveal was confined to the Eastern Mediterranean, as it was the only part they knew at his time. In fact, beyond their usual routes, tales become hazy, and the only references concern the Pillars of Hercules, where the known world ended and the Ocean began.

Image: Studying Giants' tomb to answer the question, is Sardinia Atlantis?

Some of the first mentions of the world beyond the Pillars of Hercules come from the Greek philosopher Plato around 360 BC, who makes Timaeus say [my translation into English]: “beyond the strait that you call Pillars of Hercules there is an island”, and tells about a huge cataclysm that happened “when the sea flooded Europe”. Still in his dialogues, Plato makes Critias (who seems to be either Plato’s great-uncle or his second cousin) talk about the sea of Atlantis, beyond the Pillars, where “there was an island, and from this other islands could be reached, and from these the land that surrounds everything, a real Continent.”

Since an exact location for the Pillars of Hercules hasn’t been identified yet, many are the hypothesis. While many tend to associate them with the Strait of Gibraltar, Sergio Frau wants to place them on the Strait of Sicily. Why? Because since they were the edge of what was the known world at the time and the southernmost Sicilian coast was the westernmost end of the Hellenic colonization, it would be logical to consider them in Sicily and the Tyrrhenian Sea as the mentioned “ocean”.

The first Greek geographer to place the Pillars of Hercules on the Strait of Gibraltar was Eratosthenes, despite this filled with mistakes in all the reports of successive writers. According to Sergio Frau, ancient Greek writers used to associate the Pillars of Hercules with the Strait of Sicily, between Sicily and Tunisia, but after Alexander the Great’s conquests Eratosthenes felt compelled to “move” the Pillars’ location to Gibraltar in order to keep Greece as “the center of the world”, despite all the errors this entails.

In fact, if the Pillars were in Gibraltar, it seems like the Western Mediterranean Sea didn’t even exist, since all descriptions mention lands beyond the pillars, which would result right in the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, distances, rivers’ springs and mouths, and durations of trips don’t correspond to reality. For example, how could the “Eridanus”, today’s Po River, flow into the North Sea, since oceans were beyond the pillars? Or how could Sardinia be next to the ocean and the Rhone flow into the Atlantic Ocean while we know for sure its mouth is near Marseille?

So Sergio Frau tried to place the pillars where originally were known to be, in the Strait of Sicily, and walked through the world known by the ancient Greeks vicariously through the descriptions given by the writers prior to Eratosthenes, documenting that the myth of Hercules Pillars, like many other legends, has a real place in our planet’s history.

Assuming a drop of the sea level of 100 or even 200 mt, Sicily and Malta would be connected to Tunisia by a double strait, other than Gibraltar, placed just at the end of the world known by the ancient Greeks at the time, just beyond Agrigento, the westernmost tip where the Greek managed to establish their settlements since they could have never reached the Tyrrhenian Sea due to the presence of other great sailors such as the Phoenicians.

Image: Fairies house in Sardinia.

According to Sergio Frau, by placing the pillars “correctly” on the Sicily Strait, all descriptions of ancient Greek writers start to make sense. Actually, this thesis was also brought up by geographer Ptolemaeus, who re-describes in his Map the travels of Rufo Fiesto Avieno, and suddenly all the descriptions of Greek writers that at first sight seemed wrong became right. Why? Simply because of the correct location of the pillars.

With this description the result is, for example, that Tartesso, previously situated in Andalusia, seems to be more logic to be placed in Sardinia, and is precisely the settlement of Nora; the Estrimnidi Islands actually seem to be the island of Sant’Antioco, and the sea around it, so low that it’s impossible to navigate is simply the shoals around Sant’Antioco, the “ocean” is actually the Tyrrhenian Sea.

So it makes sense that Sardinia was “next to the ocean” and that the Rhone flows into “the ocean”. Altogether it makes sense also to believe that beyond Hercules’ Pillars, there is an island, from which it’s possible to reach other islands and from these the land that surrounds everything.

Image: Sinis Peninsula in Sardinia.

So, what if Sardinia actually were the Lost Continent of Atlantis?

In Plato’s dialogues, Critias tells a story belonging to the oral tradition that lawmaker Solon had heard from a priest of Sais of ancient Egypt. The priest described Atlantis as a beautiful land full of fertile plains and high mountains that protected it from the cold northern winds, populated with wild and domestic animals, rich in precious metals, and plentiful of hot and cold water springs.

The island of Atlantis is pictured as land that enjoys the benefits of a mild climate and that gives more than one harvest per year and is dotted with stone towers, very likely referring to the nuraghi, that now are about 5000 but at that time must have been around 10,000, and must have been undoubtedly noticed by travelers.

In his book, Sergio Frau collects countless analogies between Sardinia (now and in the past) and the Atlantis described by Plato, from the weather to the architecture, from the kings to the army, from the trades to the natives’ loyalty to Poseidon God of the sea. It mentioned the great ability of local sailors, the games, the dances, the thermal baths, the elderly, green everywhere, dates concur, as well as the mud that covered the island and malaria that tormented it.

Architect Paolo Marcoratti has presented a study following the analysis of Plato’s writings and of the land to confirm that the city of Atlantis can be placed between the Gulf of Cagliari and the Plain of the Campidano. The only conflict with Plato’s writings concerns the dates: if Plato by ‘9,000’ meant 9,000 years earlier, it would have been impossible that at the time there could be men who already knew metals and writing, but Critias talks about all this and arms, bronze, carts, so how could this be possible?

If instead of years we read ‘9,000 weeks’, that becomes about 750 years prior to Critias, and the discrepancy disappears since the period of Atlantis’ greatest glory corresponds to the moment of Shardana’s civilization heyday. Moreover, the similarities between the equipment of warriors Shardana and Sardinia’s Nuraghic civilization make many researchers claim that Shardana was Sardinia’s local population of sailors, and they can also be the people Plato always refers to as coming from the sea.

Image: Barumini nuraghe Su Nuraxi in Sardinia.

Another thing that Plato reports is the devastating flood that would have determined Atlantis’ destruction. This too makes sense. In fact, this deadly flood can be identified with the huge seism that happened around 1200 BC, causing the tsunami that very likely involved all of southern Sardinia, completely flooding the Campidano and destroying most of the Nuraghi of the area, which, if we visit them today, we still see they are half-destroyed (unlike in other areas where they are perfectly preserved) from their southern part and less damaged on their northern side.

In Rome, the prestigious Accademia dei Lincei devoted a conference to such a topic, and Sergio Frau explained his theory in front of many researchers, historians, and archeologists such as Louis Godart, Mounir Bouchenaki, General Director of the ICCROM, and Mario Tozzi, geologist of the CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the public agency aimed at promoting research on many fields.

All the researchers agreed with Sergio Frau’s thesis of placing Hercules Pillars on the Strait of Sicily as ancient Greek writers had claimed before Eratosthenes, but the theory that identifies Atlantis with Sardinia met the skepticism of Louis Godart, while the geologists of the CNR are on Frau’s side, confirming the tsunami that four centuries before Christ devastated the southern part of the island, bringing to an end the Nuragic civilization and maybe the city of Atlantis.

The research carried out so far is very convincing, both scientists and historians are more or less agreeing on moving the Pillars from Gibraltar and don’t rule out the possibility of associating Sardinia with Atlantis. The island fits this explanation also due to the presence in its past of a lost civilization, the Nuraghic, and geologists support Frau’s argument that one of the biggest nuraghi (Barumini) has been found under a thick layer of mud (after the tsunami).

Land of mystery and unspoken customs, Sardinia never fails to charm travelers, as behind every corner there is something to be discovered. Apart from this research, which I will keep following, I love to think this is true: how cool would it be to say I come from Atlantis?

Image: Taking the ferry to Sardinia from Civitavecchia Rome

About The Author: Angela Corrias

Hi, my name is Angela Corrias. I am an Italian journalist and travel writer born and bred in Sardinia, an island off the coast of Italy. After having traveled around the world and having lived overseas for more than a decade, I decided it was time to go back home to Italy and show the beauty of my country to the world. Follow me as I show you the best of Sardinia - from its crystal clear waters and pristine beaches to its delicious food and wine, to its fascinating history and culture.

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