Eleonora d’Arborea, Woman, Daughter, Mother, Ruler in Medieval Sardinia

Angela Corrias in Tharros Sardinia

Angela Corrias

For all my childhood and my teenage years, I lived in Ghilarza, about 40 minutes drive from Oristano, the town in central Sardinia where they run the Sartiglia equestrian carousel. Here, I’ve gone past the imposing statue of Eleonora d’Arborea, dominating the square named after her, probably a million times.

One of the places to visit in Sardinia, Oristano is a gem that’s worth visiting for the city itself but also for all the towns part of the province and also the beautiful beaches of Sardinia’s central western coast.

It won’t be difficult to reach the statue of Eleonora d’Arborea in Oristano as it’s in the city center, in a piazza surrounded by the picturesque alleys that make the area a must. All around are the main points of interest such as Oristano’s cathedral and also the fantastic archaeological museum.

Image: Statue of Eleonora d'Arborea in Oristano.

Who was Eleonora d’Arborea?

Woman, mother, daughter, ruler, and strategist, Eleonora d’Arborea is a figure of inestimable value in a male-dominated ancient Sardinia. Her life is shrouded in mystery.

Come to power after her brother’s death, Eleonora has gone down in history as an enlightened and wise ruler and a fierce defender of the sovereignty and boundaries of her county against the Aragonese power.

The most famous and precious document she conceived is called “Carta de Logu” (de Logu Constitution), through which she reorganized the judiciary system and local institutions of her time, the paper that now many researchers define as a concentration of modernity and wisdom.

Among the pearls included in Eleonora’s Constitution are equality of rights, and protection of wives and children of “traitors” because they were not guilty of anything. While according to the former law, they would become “slaves” too.

It would entail also equality for strangers, action against usury, and protection of minors and women, also determining that the shotgun marriage of a woman victim of rape was allowed only if the woman herself would consent.

Eleonora almost managed to unite the island under her rule and chase the Aragonese away confining them in their strongholds scattered around the coast. Still, finally, her small empire succumbed due to an unplanned enemy: the plague, a curse that put Sardinia back in Aragonese hands.

Image: Aragonese tower in Oristano near the statue of Eleonora d'Arborea.

What makes Eleonora d’Arborea so special?

First of all, being a woman ruler in the Middle Ages was already exceptional (it is now too!). She worked and fought to make her father’s dream of uniting Sardinia under one realm come true. She issued a Constitution that is still highly regarded as a milestone in the history of law.

Intelligent, determined, and down-to-earth, Eleonora was a woman who made an impressive change and gave a modern imprint to her land, a woman whose personality perfectly mirrors the island’s natives.

About her, Carlo Cattaneo (1801-1869), Italian philosopher, politician, writer and patriot, wrote: “the most splendid female figure that Italian history ever had, including those of ancient Rome”.

Image: Piazza Roma in Oristano city center near the statue of Eleonora d'Arborea.

She was so powerful that many tales were crafted around her, stories describing her as a charmer, an enchantress, the only way they could explain how she could conquer and build so many castles.

She was an extraordinary leader indeed, and the fact that she was a woman added to her allure. Plus, we know Sardinia’s natives have a soft spot for mysterious tales, and it was only obvious they would see something magical around her.

I’ve studied this amazing figure of our history in school, I’ve long admired her, and I don’t know why I was yet to write about her actions and achievements. Feeling intimidated, maybe, or fear of not portraying her properly.

Now I’ve finally decided to pay this small tribute because it was just not possible that a blog by a Sardinian who strives to celebrate the beauty and the charm of her island didn’t include some words in honor of Eleonora d’Arborea.

Image: Taking the ferry to Sardinia from Civitavecchia Rome

About The Author: Angela Corrias

Hi, my name is Angela Corrias. I am an Italian journalist and travel writer born and bred in Sardinia, an island off the coast of Italy. After having traveled around the world and having lived overseas for more than a decade, I decided it was time to go back home to Italy and show the beauty of my country to the world. Follow me as I show you the best of Sardinia - from its crystal clear waters and pristine beaches to its delicious food and wine, to its fascinating history and culture.

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